At Fama Management and Productions, we live and breathe Salsa Dura, Cuban music, and Latin Jazz. Our passion for these electrifying sounds drives us to bring them to your project with unmatched enthusiasm. With our expertise and carefully curated roster of exceptional artists, we'll create an unforgettable experience that celebrates these fantastic musical traditions. Together, let's make your vision a reality!

Artist Booking: Need an unforgettable performance? We've got you covered. Our booking pros will match you with the perfect artist, handle all the nitty-gritty details, and ensure your event is a success.

Educational and Cultural Enrichment: Our artists aren't just performers; they're passionate educators, too. We can create workshops, master classes, and lectures that dive deep into these incredible genres' history and cultural significance. Get ready to be inspired and educated!

DJ and Dancer Arrangements: Why stop at just music? We can hook you up with top-notch DJs and dancers to take your event to the next level. Picture this: electrifying beats, stunning visual performances, and even dance lessons for your guests. It's the total package!

Media and Recording Opportunities: Want to feature our artists on your album, movie, TV show, radio interview, or documentary? Just say the word, and we'll make it happen. We're here to bridge the gap between our talented artists and your creative vision.

Soundtrack and Music Licensing: Elevate your movies, TV shows, and multi-artist recordings with the perfect Salsa Dura, Cuban, or Latin Jazz tracks. Our extensive catalog will fit your project like a glove. Let us add the sounds that make your project magical.

Promotion and Marketing Support: We're not just about booking artists but ensuring your event is a roaring success. Our marketing mavens will craft a killer promotional strategy to get the word out and get butts in seats. From press releases to social media buzz, we've got you covered.

Latin Music Consulting: Need some guidance on Latin music? Our expert team is here to drop knowledge on history, trends, and cultural context. Whether you're planning an event, developing an educational program, or want to expand your Latin music horizons, we've got the inside scoop.